Monday, 16 April 2012

Let's get mooooving!

Now, the close up of my face was lovely. The close up of my rear end however was disastrous! Why did they have to film me from that angle? Don't they know the camera puts on ten pounds. I'll bet it looked even worse on all of the HD tellies!

Since scrutinising myself on screen over the weekend, I decided that there was only one answer. Gym membership. No, this isn't going to be a Ross from Friends 'I pay for the gym but never go' moment. I'm determined to whip myself into shape before my next public appearance, so I took out a membership for the Challenge Fitness Centre in Stortford. I've signed up to Mooomba, Mooolates and Moooxercise already, so and my personal trainer has assured me that I'll be as svelte as Victoria Beckham in no time! Oh, the pressure! But, I suppose that's fame for you.

Silly Cow after her first Moomba Class-exhausted!

Maybe I could even do my own work out DVD. Silly Cow Moooves Her Booty-Now You Can Too.... hmmm now there's a thought. Let me know what you think in the comments box! Next stop, LA.   

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